Tuesday, March 3, 2009

WOOP WOOP It's the sound of the police

Lately in Essex there has been a bit of a rise in the presence of the police it seems. There was some sort of a gang that apparently kicked their way into a guy’s flat and undoubtedly did him some damage as well. This happened about a minute’s walk from my place and since then it has been like CSI Essex up in this place. Today got stopped on the way back from the shop and interviewed about it.

UPDATE: Had a visit from the pretend police today about the same incident as mentioned above. Well that is what I thought but it seems to have been a con. While one quizzed me on the normal stuff the other ones was taking down details of my appearance, apparently I’m the same race as the criminals involved. It annoys me that they came into my home on a false pretense especially after they had already taking down my recollection of the event.

Just one of those things I guess still waiting at the moment for my Heroes/Kyle XY fix after which you can probably find me debating plot holes at the 10th Wonder Forums. I am going to have to wait even longer for my Heroes fix as I’m going to wit for the UK to get catch me up I think at the moment that means wait for two weeks. But apparently Heroes in the US is taking a 1 week break in order to help May sweeps whatever that means. So hopefully it means that I will still be able to post my thoughts from time to time.

Lately though in televisual entertainment I have been watching a couple episodes of Gundam 00 Series 2 it is really an excellently written show and builds well on the ideals of the first season which sometimes came across as a little airy.

Anyway on the quest for eternal internet the search goes on and on. It REALLY should not be this hard but it seems that if you don’t live in a place for at least a year then you don’t truly exist but then the same thing goes if you don’t have a credit card so it is to be expected.

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