Monday, August 2, 2010

Here we go

So tonight here I am still trying to get to grips with my new tiny netbook which is quite weird I feel like I need smaller fingers to work the tiny keys. I am using a Zoostorm if you were wondering. I can’t say I’m a fan of Windows 7 Starter. I got stuck with it on this netbook and quickly decided it was not for me. You can’t even change the background image on Starter it is just this bizarre chopped down version of Windows 7 without the good stuff and funky tricks. So if you were like me I might suggest searching for ways of upgrading using a popular search engine. I did and I found something that helped. Nuff said.

As I’m writing this I am hoping to catch a film staring Lindy Booth on ITV1 (UK channel in case you were wondering). I don’t know much about it but Lindy Booth is my favourite redhead actress as I discussed in a previous blog entry. I mainly know Booth from Relic Hunter but I think she was in Cabin Fever was it? To be fair though that film looked awful so I gave it a miss apparently she plays a sexy vixen in this one so my hopes are already high.

In other news let us go on to books. I really do love books and at the moment there are two on the menu I am still reading James Patterson – Jack and Jill which I found in a covered market on a recent excursion as well as listening to the audiobook Rachel Caine – Morganville Vampires Dead Girls’ Dance. Jack and Jill is an early Alex Cross novel I started reading Cross with Double Cross so now I am picking up the ones that came before. It is an interesting read lots of twists and turns and at this point I’ve nearly completed it.
Book 1 of Morganville Vampires was a revelation definitely wasn’t expecting such a well written and structured story you hear such horror stories about the quality of all the vamp literature and this proves the naysayers wrong. It can’t top House of Night in my view but that series really reasonates with me for some reason.


Finally in a bid to save money and to actually balance my fortnightly payments against outgoings I will be forgoing a gamecard for World of Warcraft I think. I am not sure if I can go without for 2 weeks which is silly really but hey. I keep applying for jobs but the interviews seemed to have dried up so it seems to fall on me to make sure that I can balance my budget.
That is all for now people. BE WELL.

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