Thursday, April 16, 2015

What's Been Happening With Yours Truly

So there may be some hope on the horizon or at least something to inspire me. I have found out that my local gaming tournament will be hosting a qualifier in August for a major tournament one of the Capcom Tour events.

It has reignited my passion for training in Ultra Street Fighter IV where to be honest it was starting to wane. My local tournament is also about to start a new season with the addition of Mortal Kombat X so I’m hoping that will mean more numbers. More numbers means new matchups and a learning process but even if I lose at first I know I’ll improve.

On the job front things are looking… unchanged but I’m still applying and I chased down my last interview when they ignored my repeated requests for feedback in the end I received the following:

“I understand from the manager who interviewed you on the day that although you possessed a number of the essential requirements for the post, you did not satisfy all the criteria.”

That is the entirety of my feedback right there, my application, the studying before and attending the interview. I’m a little bitter I know not particularly at the institution involved but the whole process and the way candidates are treated.

So new fun fact that happened last night my phone stopped working. To supply detail there is a little internal switch thing that works behind the outside power button that fell off and now I can’t find which means it is impossible to turn the phone on. For techies sometimes you can turn a phone on by hooking it up to your computer via USB, not in my case though.

I went into town and half of it was cordoned off apparently last night someone was killed during a fight or something and I think they are looking for a murder weapon or something. Honestly my town isn’t as crazy as it sounds.

Enough about me what are you the nameless viewers out there up to at this moment?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Feelings Of Limbo

An unsuccessful job interview has left me a bit dazed and confused. Maybe I should be used to unsuccessful interviews but that is a scary thing to get used to it feels a lot like giving up. I have been looking to more local roles as scarce as those are but those are the types of applications that you just fire and forget you don't get any acknowledgement of your application past the automatic ones made by the job site.

I've been blogging, keeping up my volunteer work it is good to keep some skills sharp. I have been working on my own project too which you can have a look at right here. I would like to widen the scope of the blog a bit but not sure how.

I feel like I can get back into the endless jobsearch grind but I will need a little break to gather myself. Things need to change as I can't keep doing this. There are some other things in the horizon some bigger projects than my volunteer work that I hope to update you on as soon as possible.

Sorry to have such a downer of a post on here I will try to make the next one be more positive.