A while ago I told you about a Chinese mobile phone of mine
that developed a fault and the fact that the Amazon Marketplace business (WMicroUK) who sold
it to me decided not to honour the 1 year warranty that I purchased it with
ignoring my emails and any interventions from the Amazon team.
The Phone itself was pretty solid it just developed a touch screen fault which I expect is reasonably common.
Well after about 3 months I finally just got the
confirmation through from the credit card company telling me that they accepted
the chargeback and will be refunding the payment. Yeah that is a heck of a long
time but for someone on a very tight budget the outlay for the phone (£130) was
a lot of money even though in theory it would be a saving over most contracts
if it had lasted a year.
If you’re in a similar position having bought something from
Ebay, Amazon or other online retailers you need to know your rights. An
electronic device is expected to have a certain life before developing faults
my phone had only lasted 7 months and it is reasonably that a phone should 1 if
not 2 years.
I used these links to help me out and eventually went with
the chargeback option hope this helps someone.
You should also have a look at Section 75 which can help.